Rest & Let God Work



“Cease striving and know that I am God…”

Psalm 46:10


We all have to make numerous decisions throughout the week. When you face a difficult decision, did you know you can ask God to lead you in the right direction? Just like what we learned in that Amazing Word Thursday night in the Book Of James- 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

You’ll be amazed at the insight you get from relying on God’s Promises (His Word To You) instead of striving to find the answers on your own.

If you’re constantly trying to figure things out and make things happen instead of waiting for God’s timing and leading, you’ll wear yourself out. Instead, why don’t you come back to a place of rest and simply trust and know that God has given you power over any situation you might be facing. His ways are higher than ours. If you’ll trust Him to do things His way, you’ll see His best plan for your life unfold. When you feel worried or uptight, that’s the time to say, “God, give me Your wisdom to make good decisions. I refuse to worry. I’m staying in peace, knowing that You are in control. I’m going to Rest In You”


Lord God, thank You for remaining in control even when I’m worried or stressed.I receive Your Peace right now! I receive Your supernatural wisdom to make decisions that honor You and are for my good.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Love in His Grace, Pastor Joe

See you Sunday!